We are Team Jesus, joyfully empowering others to be Christ followers

Join Us In-Person or Online

Sunday morning services at 8:00 and 10:30 - Education hour between services at 9:15

Midweek Lenten Services are Wednesdays at 4:30 pm with a meal served afterwards.

What to Expect

  • Each service lasts about an hour.

  • Traditional 8:00 am - liturgical with organ and hymns

  • Contemporary 10:30 am - worship music with praise band

  • Dress is up to you - from casual to "Sunday Best".

  • Greeters will welcome you to worship and show you locations of Sunday School and Bible classes.

Join us for Holy Week Services!

Join us for Holy Week Services!


Christ followers grow in their faith walk by reading the Bible daily because the living Word of God shapes everything we think, say, and do. Christ followers commit to daily prayer and devotion: individually, together in our family units, and intentionally through the life-giving ministries of our church family. 


Christ followers understand the freedom of living according to God’s perfect plan.  While the world promotes serving self, Christ followers live to selflessly serve those the Lord has placed in our lives including family, co-workers, peers, friends, and our church family.


Christ followers embrace God’s design of the family household being the center of faith formation. Christ followers take their faith-formation roles seriously, and our church family supports that dedication to a family-focused development of faith.


Christ followers are restored when we gather weekly in worship to be fed and renewed by God’s grace-filled gifts.  Christ followers build relationships and participate in faith-formation opportunities as a community through Team Jesus bible study, fellowship events, and servant leadership activities.


Christ followers empower others to know their Savior and what it means to be His disciple by mentoring, teaching, and encouraging, no matter our stage or station in life.  Christ followers cultivate the fields in which the Lord has planted us by sowing the Word of God and shining the light of Jesus in all we do, praying for those lost in our midst and loving others as Christ has loved us.

We are a growing family of restored people in Jesus, living by the power of the Holy Spirit, sowing God’s amazing grace to everyone in our lives to glorify our Heavenly Father in this place.