
Christian fellowship where we can encourage and support each other is a crucial element of being the Church, and it’s important that we provide such opportunities for our youth. At St. Stephen, we strive to empower our youth to faithfully follow Jesus, not just at church but in everyday life. We offer regular activities where our youth can serve, build relationships, and practice being the Body of Christ, and we encourage them to attend retreats and gatherings where they can take part in powerful faith-building experiences.

Sunday School

Teaching the next generation about God’s love for us through Jesus is a crucial mission of St. Stephen. At Sunday School, children from age 3 through high school study the

Bible and how God’s Word encourages and guides us every day.

  • Our youngest students are introduced to God’s Word with fun Bible stories, crafts, games, and snacks.

  • Upper elementary students dig into the Bible and start to see how God’s message of grace flows all through God’s Word.

  • Our middle school students engage further with the Bible and undergo

  • Confirmation instruction using Luther’s Small Catechism.

  • The high school class often dives into topical studies, learning how to live as God’s people in the modern world.

We encourage parents to reinforce these lessons at home throughout the week, and also be engaged on Sunday mornings, either by serving in a classroom or by attending an adult Bible class at the same time.

Growing Faithful Families

At St. Stephen, Growing Faithful Families supports and encourages our families in spiritual growth, empowering parents to teach their children, and helping them all to grow stronger in their daily faith life. Every year, families meet to learn about age-specific faith development, and children receive a “milestone gift” to help them remember the lesson. We celebrate our faithful families with regular in-service recognitions, and encourage all of our members to be growing in faith.