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Adult Study: Life Together

We will have a six week study on Dietrich Bonhoeffer's classic book, Life Together. 

No book will be necessary to attend the class; however, it will be helpful to read the assigned Sunday readings ahead of time to get the most out of the class. We have obtained a PDF copy of the book, please contact Pastor or Sydney for the link.  If you’d like a copy of the book, there are a variety of ways to purchase. It is available on several online media sources for borrowing or purchasing.

As always, the Sunday morning class will be available live on Facebook and we will push those classes to our YouTube channel for you to watch at a later date.  We sure hope you take the time to attend or follow along with this class as it will help us grow in our understanding of what it means to be - Team Jesus, joyfully empowering others to be Christ Followers. 

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Mid Week Lent Service

Tonight we will continue our Lenten journey with our sermon series “Singing with the Exiles”, our sermon text will be Isaiah 43:1-7.

Stay after service for dinner supporting the kids going to the National Youth Gathering (NYG) in July!

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Lent Bible Study

Take a closer look at Holy Week! Following the midweek Lenten worship & dinner each week, join us to look at the meaning and significance of the key events from Palm Sunday to Easter.

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Mid Week Lent Service

Tonight we will continue our Lenten journey with our sermon series “Singing with the Exiles”, our sermon text will be Isaiah 44:1-5.

Stay after service for dinner supporting the kids going to the National Youth Gathering (NYG) in July!

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Lent Bible Study

Take a closer look at Holy Week! Following the midweek Lenten worship & dinner each week, join us to look at the meaning and significance of the key events from Palm Sunday to Easter.

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Mid Week Lent Service

Tonight we will continue our Lenten journey with our sermon series “Singing with the Exiles”, our sermon text will be Isaiah 45:1-8.

Stay after service for dinner supporting the kids going to the National Youth Gathering (NYG) in July!

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Lent Bible Study

Take a closer look at Holy Week! Following the midweek Lenten worship & dinner each week, join us to look at the meaning and significance of the key events from Palm Sunday to Easter.

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Gather Around the Tables


You're invited to have a seat at the table!  Join us Friday, March 28th at 6:30 pm as we begin our RightNow Media series, "Table Talks", and share a taste of a delicious recipe of baked ziti (and some homemade tiramisu, too)!  Bring a friend and a drink, and pull up a seat.  We're happy you're here!

Gather Around the Tables is our women’s ministry for ladies 19 years and older.

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Mid Week Lent Service

Tonight we will continue our Lenten journey with our sermon series “Singing with the Exiles”, our sermon text will be Isaiah 48:17-22

Stay after service for dinner supporting the kids going to the National Youth Gathering (NYG) in July!

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Lent Bible Study

Take a closer look at Holy Week! Following the midweek Lenten worship & dinner each week, join us to look at the meaning and significance of the key events from Palm Sunday to Easter.

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Mid Week Lent Service

Tonight we will continue our Lenten journey with our sermon series “Singing with the Exiles”, our sermon text will be Isaiah 49:7-13.

Stay after service for dinner supporting the kids going to the National Youth Gathering (NYG) in July!

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Team Jesus Work Day in conjunction with the Missouri District & Sleep In Heavenly Peace

We are excited to partner with the Missouri District & Sleep in Heavenly Peace for our Team Jesus Workday!

On April 27 we will:

8:00 AM Worship in the sanctuary!

8:30 AM Sleep In Heavenly Peace bed production will begin in the parking lot.

9:15 AM Indoor projects will begin in the Fellowship Hall

Fellowship and Lunch will take place upon the completion of the projects. The goal of our congregational workday is to bring Team Jesus together in worship, fellowship and service as we shine the light of Jesus in our community.

For the Sleep in Heavenly Peace Bed Project:

  • You need to sign up because production spots are limited!

  • You need to be in worship at 8am as instructions will follow the service

  • You need to be dressed appropriately for the weather; bed production will be outside in

  • the parking lot.

  • Be prepared to work until lunchtime and food will be available for you.

You can also participate in the event by donating a bed or bedding for the project.

It cost $250 dollars to build each bed. You can donate financially to the project in any amount you desire either electronically or in the offering plate. In the event that donations exceed the cost of the total project – those additional funds will go toward future Sleep in Heavenly Peace projects.

  • You can also donate $49.99 (cost per bed) to purchase bedding for one or more beds. Donate here or please write “bedding” in the memo line for plate offerings.

  • You can buy the bedding for a bed and bring to the church and put these items in the designated bin prior to our project date. Donated bedding needs to be NEW, twin sized complete set (comforter, flat & fitted sheet, pillow case & pillow). We plan to make 50 beds. All extra items will be donated to Sleep in Heavenly Peace to use on future projects.

Indoor projects:

  • We will have several indoor projects. Please sign up online or at the workday tables to receive your Shine T-Shirt.

  • These projects are for those that prefer to be inside or for those that are too young to participate in the bed-making project. We will have projects for younger children.

  • We also need extra volunteer helpers for the day. This could be to assist in directing people, projects or anything staff need help with the day of the events. We always have things that come up and a flexible person to assist would be welcome. Please sign up to be an “Extra Volunteer Helper” at the table and be sure to grab your limited addition Shine T-Shir

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New Member Class- Joyfully Following Jesus

Joyfully Following Jesus – First Steps

Our Joyfully Following Jesus Information Class is for anyone interested in joining St. Stephen or learning more about St. Stephen. In this class you can expect to learn what our church believes about God, what it means to be equipped to follow Jesus in our daily lives, and what it means to be a member of St. Stephen.

Our Joyfully Following Jesus – First Steps Class is our version of a New Member class, it has five sessions that define what it means to be on Team Jesus and joyfully empowering others to be Christ Followers. In the event you cannot attend all the scheduled classes due to a previous commitment, we record each session, so you can review the class at your convenience. At the end of our sessions, there is an option to join our congregation if indeed the Lord is leading you to join our faith family.

The schedule is as follows:

  • Monday, March 3 Pillar of Sowing

  • Sunday, March 9 New Member Sunday

Please let us know if you plan to attend, so that, we can send you the Zoom Link for the classes.

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Adult Study: Life Together

We will be studying Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s classic book, Life Together in the Adult Bible Study.

No book will be necessary to attend the class; however, it will be helpful to read the assigned Sunday readings ahead of time to get the most out of the class. We have obtained a PDF copy of the book, please contact Pastor or Sydney for the link.  If you’d like a copy of the book, there are a variety of ways to purchase. It is available on several online media sources for borrowing or purchasing.

As always, the Sunday morning class will be available live on Facebook and we will push those classes to our YouTube channel for you to watch at a later date.  We sure hope you take the time to attend or follow along with this class as it will help us grow in our understanding of what it means to be - Team Jesus, joyfully empowering others to be Christ Followers. 

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Silver Saints

Silver Saints will share the love and meet on Thursday, February 27 at 11:30 am.

Pizza & salad provided—Yummy! One of our Small Saints Preschool classes will stop by for a visit

Our activity is a mission minded time together to make homeless kits. Thrivent Action Team will be providing the items, as we sit around the table to fill the bags and share this time together.

Hoping to see new friends join us too!

Silver Saints is a group of adults aged 55 years or older that meets regularly for food and fellowship. We generally meet the third Thursday of the month at 11:30 am from March to December to enjoy a potluck and different activities and entertainment. Visitors & friends are welcome!

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Gather Around the Tables

Gather Around the Tables

We're happy to announce the continuation of Gather Around the Tables for 2025! Please join us for our first event on Wednesday, February 26, 2025 at 6:30 pm at the church. There will be a few snacks but please bring your own drink.

We'll have a fun ice-breaker activity and some time for casual conversations plus share what's in store for 2025! We hope you can join us, and as always, please invite a friend!

Gather Around the Tables is our women’s ministry for Ladies 19-99 years young.

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New Member Class- Joyfully Following Jesus

Joyfully Following Jesus – First Steps

Our Joyfully Following Jesus Information Class is for anyone interested in joining St. Stephen or learning more about St. Stephen. In this class you can expect to learn what our church believes about God, what it means to be equipped to follow Jesus in our daily lives, and what it means to be a member of St. Stephen.

Our Joyfully Following Jesus – First Steps Class is our version of a New Member class, it has five sessions that define what it means to be on Team Jesus and joyfully empowering others to be Christ Followers. In the event you cannot attend all the scheduled classes due to a previous commitment, we record each session, so you can review the class at your convenience. At the end of our sessions, there is an option to join our congregation if indeed the Lord is leading you to join our faith family.

The schedule is as follows:

  • Monday, February 24 Pillar of Family

  • Monday, March 3 Pillar of Sowing

  • Sunday, March 9 New Member Sunday

Please let us know if you plan to attend, so that, we can send you the Zoom Link for the classes.

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Youth Lock-In

The 6th-12th Grade Youth will have their annual Lock-In on February 21 from 6:00 pm to 12:00 am. All youth 6-12th grade are invited for games, fellowship & fun!

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New Member Class- Joyfully Following Jesus

Joyfully Following Jesus – First Steps

Our Joyfully Following Jesus Information Class is for anyone interested in joining St. Stephen or learning more about St. Stephen. In this class you can expect to learn what our church believes about God, what it means to be equipped to follow Jesus in our daily lives, and what it means to be a member of St. Stephen.

Our Joyfully Following Jesus – First Steps Class is our version of a New Member class, it has five sessions that define what it means to be on Team Jesus and joyfully empowering others to be Christ Followers. In the event you cannot attend all the scheduled classes due to a previous commitment, we record each session, so you can review the class at your convenience. At the end of our sessions, there is an option to join our congregation if indeed the Lord is leading you to join our faith family.

The schedule is as follows:

  • Monday, February 17 Pillar of Growing and our Guiding Statement

  • Monday, February 24 Pillar of Family

  • Monday, March 3 Pillar of Sowing

  • Sunday, March 9 New Member Sunday

Please let us know if you plan to attend, so that, we can send you the Zoom Link for the classes.

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TASSELS Jigsaw Puzzle Competiton

Join TASSELS for a Jigsaw Puzzle competition! Teams of 2-4 people will compete against each other to assemble the same 500 piece puzzle! Which ever team completes the puzzle first wins! Sign up in Team Jesus News or contact the office. Please sign up by February 9.

A pizza lunch will be served at 12, with the competition starting at 1!

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Adult Study: Life Together

We will be studying Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s classic book, Life Together in the Adult Bible Study.

No book will be necessary to attend the class; however, it will be helpful to read the assigned Sunday readings ahead of time to get the most out of the class. We have obtained a PDF copy of the book, please contact Pastor or Sydney for the link.  If you’d like a copy of the book, there are a variety of ways to purchase. It is available on several online media sources for borrowing or purchasing.

As always, the Sunday morning class will be available live on Facebook and we will push those classes to our YouTube channel for you to watch at a later date.  We sure hope you take the time to attend or follow along with this class as it will help us grow in our understanding of what it means to be - Team Jesus, joyfully empowering others to be Christ Followers. 

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New Member Class- Joyfully Following Jesus

Joyfully Following Jesus – First Steps

Our Joyfully Following Jesus Information Class is for anyone interested in joining St. Stephen or learning more about St. Stephen. In this class you can expect to learn what our church believes about God, what it means to be equipped to follow Jesus in our daily lives, and what it means to be a member of St. Stephen.

Our Joyfully Following Jesus – First Steps Class is our version of a New Member class, it has five sessions that define what it means to be on Team Jesus and joyfully empowering others to be Christ Followers. In the event you cannot attend all the scheduled classes due to a previous commitment, we record each session, so you can review the class at your convenience. At the end of our sessions, there is an option to join our congregation if indeed the Lord is leading you to join our faith family.

The schedule is as follows:

  • Monday, February 10 Pillar of Living

  • Monday, February 17 Pillar of Growing and our Guiding Statement

  • Monday, February 24 Pillar of Family

  • Monday, March 3 Pillar of Sowing

  • Sunday, March 9 New Member Sunday

Please let us know if you plan to attend, so that, we can send you the Zoom Link for the classes.

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Adult Study: Life Together

We will have a six week study on Dietrich Bonhoeffer's classic book, Life Together. 

No book will be necessary to attend the class; however, it will be helpful to read the assigned Sunday readings ahead of time to get the most out of the class. We have obtained a PDF copy of the book we will be sharing.  If you’d like a copy of the book, there are a variety of ways to purchase. It is available on several online media sources for borrowing or purchasing.

As always, the Sunday morning class will be available live on Facebook and we will push those classes to our YouTube channel for you to watch at a later date.  We sure hope you take the time to attend or follow along with this class as it will help us grow in our understanding of what it means to be - Team Jesus, joyfully empowering others to be Christ Followers. 

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New Member Class- Joyfully Following Jesus

Joyfully Following Jesus – First Steps

Our Joyfully Following Jesus Information Class is for anyone interested in joining St. Stephen or learning more about St. Stephen. In this class you can expect to learn what our church believes about God, what it means to be equipped to follow Jesus in our daily lives, and what it means to be a member of St. Stephen.

Our Joyfully Following Jesus – First Steps Class is our version of a New Member class, it has five sessions that define what it means to be on Team Jesus and joyfully empowering others to be Christ Followers. In the event you cannot attend all the scheduled classes due to a previous commitment, we record each session, so you can review the class at your convenience. At the end of our sessions, there is an option to join our congregation if indeed the Lord is leading you to join our faith family.

The schedule is as follows:

  • Monday February 3 Pillar of Restoring

  • Monday, February 10 Pillar of Living

  • Monday, February 17 Pillar of Growing and our Guiding Statement

  • Monday, February 24 Pillar of Family

  • Monday, March 3 Pillar of Sowing

  • Sunday, March 9 New Member Sunday

Please let us know if you plan to attend, so that, we can send you the Zoom Link for the classes.

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Adult Study: Life Together

We will have a six week study on Dietrich Bonhoeffer's classic book, Life Together. 

No book will be necessary to attend the class; however, it will be helpful to read the assigned Sunday readings ahead of time to get the most out of the class. We have obtained a PDF copy of the book we will be sharing.  If you’d like a copy of the book, there are a variety of ways to purchase. It is available on several online media sources for borrowing or purchasing.

As always, the Sunday morning class will be available live on Facebook and we will push those classes to our YouTube channel for you to watch at a later date.  We sure hope you take the time to attend or follow along with this class as it will help us grow in our understanding of what it means to be - Team Jesus, joyfully empowering others to be Christ Followers. 

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Adult Study: Life Together

We will have a six week study on Dietrich Bonhoeffer's classic book, Life Together. 

No book will be necessary to attend the class; however, it will be helpful to read the assigned Sunday readings ahead of time to get the most out of the class. We have obtained a PDF copy of the book we will be sharing.  If you’d like a copy of the book, there are a variety of ways to purchase. It is available on several online media sources for borrowing or purchasing.

As always, the Sunday morning class will be available live on Facebook and we will push those classes to our YouTube channel for you to watch at a later date.  We sure hope you take the time to attend or follow along with this class as it will help us grow in our understanding of what it means to be - Team Jesus, joyfully empowering others to be Christ Followers. 

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