High school students interested in attending Concordia Seminary, St. Louis or who are considering vocational ministry are invited to Vocatio June 24-July 1 on campus. This free, week-long retreat, following the Seminary’s academic theme for the year: “Sharing the Gospel— Sharing our Lives” (1 Thess. 2:8), provides prospective students the opportunity to explore God’s calling and direction as they experience Seminary life.
Registration is free. The deadline to register is May 27. Learn more or sign up here.
Vocatio is one of two visitation events for prospective students held throughout the year that provide a preview of the Seminary’s ministerial formation experience. Individual visits also can be scheduled and are highly encouraged for those considering attending the Seminary. For more information, contact the Seminary at 800-822 -9545 or admit@csl.edu, or visit csl.edu/admission